List of OSS projects I’ve worked on. No particular order.

Go libraries

SQLittle - Pure Go SQLite file reader. Mostly low level.

Miniredis - Pure Go Redis server for Go unittests.

Miniredis allows you to unittest code which needs redis, without needing to make a redis executable available. Makes the unittest run fast, and makes CI easier.

Procspy - Go library to list TCP connections and the owning processes.

Shredis - Go library to shard redis servers.

Compatible with twemproxy, but saves running yet another daemon.

JSON - Alternative Go JSON parser.

It was a lot faster than the one from the stdlib for my use case.

Stand alone - git repo

Makes RSS feeds with stable release versions, with Wikipedia as a source.

SSP - A very minimal SSP to test OpenRTB exchanges.

It does the very least possible to talk with an OpenRTB server and run simple auctions.

Prometheus releated

Asprom - Prometheus exporter for Aerospike.

You run an asprom on every machine with Aerospike, and point prometheus to them.

http_exporter - Export HTTP spider statistics for Prometheus.

Like blackbox_exporter, but with a simple config file.

Playing tunes

Siren - Elm/Go based MPD GUI.

MPD is the music player daemon which runs on your local network, and can be controlled to play music. Siren is a modern frontend for it.

iTuned - Simple iTunes/RAOP server.

Run this on your linux machine which is connected to your speakers. Any iTunes on your local network will get an option to use your speakers as an output source.

ALAC - Pure Go Apple Lossless (ALAC) decoder.

Used in iTuned.


Paperclip SQL - Rails Paperclip module which stores file uploads in an SQL table.

SchemaSpy - Go library to read PostgreSQL schemas.

Wikiundump - Small utility to unpack wikipedia dump files to individual files.

enum2go - C enum to Go exporter.

glogrotate - Logrotate for logs generated by Go’s glog.